We are very proud of the work we do for our clients. Some examples from our portfolio are shown below.

State-of-the-art in robotic assistance

Terahertz communications

On-demand manufacturing using multiphase 3D printing

Current state-of-the-art in quantum sensing

Emerging technologies for tracking blast fragments

Phased array antennas for satellite communications

Advanced optics for high-power lasers

Electronically steerable metamaterial antennas

Blockchains: long-term impact across industries

High-altitude platforms: 10-year technology outlook

Emerging battery chemistries: when lithium-air takes over

Flexible and transparent organic photovoltaics

Dexterous robotics for automated maintenance

EU startup leaders in big data analytics

Field leaders in ceramic matrix composites

Autonomy watch: cross-industry horizon scans

Cooling systems for high energy lasers

Scouting the leaders in video compression codecs

Neurotech: mapping the startup ecosystem

Thermal management with high-temperature electronics

New frontiers with quantum radar systems

Emerging technologies for passive thermal diodes

50-year outlook for future of food and nutrition

How AI is adopted and applied in enterprise R&D companies

Plastic electronics applications by the mid-2030s

Touchscreen displays with haptic feedback

Neurotech for cognitive workload monitoring of pilots

Water security in the 2030s

Desalination with breakthrough membranes

IoT for smart cities

Future aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul

Graphene for post-Li-ion battery technologies

Autonomous systems for deep sea exploration

Carbon-negative organic waste

Future unmanned ground systems: 20-year outlook